Plastic Produce Bags I use the bags in the produce section for waste like vegetable skins, rinds and other throw away items. It's faster and easier than visiting the garbage can all the time. It's a variation of Rachael Ray's tip to use a bowl for waste but without the clean up.
If you love Grapefruit Sculpin from Ballast Point then you definitely have to try Watermelon Dorado. You absolutely taste the watermelon up front but it's not a sugary processed watermelon. The back end is the double IPA bitterness you like in a well designed IPA like Dorado. It's really a great pairing, likely to become a standard like Grapefruit Sculpin! I was a little skeptical, thinking it was a gimmick that wouldn't last. However, I'm still enjoying it even after my fourth one over a couple weeks time.